Being an entrepreneur takes a leap of faith and requires so much more than just a degree from business school or a desire to be your own boss. When you desire to make a positive impact in the world through your business, you have entered the world of conscious entrepreneur. You have entered the space where social entrepreneurs thrive.
Tanaaz, Spiritual Coach, says, “Being an entrepreneur is about lighting that flame that lives within and using your passions, instincts, and talents to bring something revolutionary into the world.”
Personally, as an entrepreneur, I believe that the most important thing you can do is to become consciously aware of who you really are and your Divine purpose in business and life, that leads you to desire to increase your positive impact in the world.
“The impact you make in the world (great or small) is filled with opportunity. It depends on why you’re doing what you’re doing as to what you will see and be able to make the most of.” ~V. Lynn Hawkins, CoCEO,
This isn’t to be confused with being that positive impact in the lives of your family and friends, or close associates. That, in fact, is part of “the world”. In business, whether you are a start-up, you’ve been in business for years, or you are drawn to support a cause that while the effort is not your own, the heart’s desire for the success of the organization actually doing the work, is.
You are what I call a “Conscious Entrepreneur”, and more definitively, a “Conscious Social Entrepreneur.
This is about awakening to the concept of being more means doing more (a little, or a lot) for others. It is about living in the awareness that whatever you do has an impact on others, and deciding to do something positive. It is about accepting that imperfection is a joyous place to be and that striving for perfection brings a level of anxiety and stress that almost invariably negates the work you do.
Being a conscious social entrepreneur means while you allow yourself to be you, you are allowing all that can support you to be readily available to you. It means that you to live in a state, a mindset, a world of peace and abundance always, and your vision is that you will be a catalyst to bring others to that space of peace, of consciousness, of making an impact as well.
For Entrepreneurs, especially Conscious Social Entrepreneurs, Your Impact is Your Opportunity!
How are you making an impact in the world? Are you seeing the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you? If not, step back and see above the line of the appearance of things, and into the reality of the opportunities right in front of you.
Empowering More to SOAR!
V. Lynn Hawkins, CEO, P3 Academy of Social Entrepreneurship and Co-CEO,