Membership Site, Programs and Course Creation
You are in the right place for
The Conscious Entrepreneur Enterprise Program
Membership, Programs and Course Creation
Made Easy!
Dream with me for a moment …
Imagine …
— adding revenue to your bottom line,
— growing your tribe,
— creating harmony throughout all that you do and are, and
— bringing your value to the world in a powerful way.
Don’t stay in the problems and challenges that cause dreams to be so far from reach … that create inactivity, loss of revenue and pain; including …
— taking months to get a course up or a program to market from your website,
— costing you hours, money and more to connect all the pieces to set up a membership site,
— being inconvenienced by manually managing members in your Private Facebook Group,
— taking painstaking hours to manually set up and manage a membership site consistently or worse, expending an exorbitant cost to have someone else do it for you, or
— resorting to having less than what you want and paying more than you want.
You can completely shift with what CEEP provides in the ease of creation and effortless management of an unlimited number of courses or programs, and your membership site.
You can …
[1] set up, easily maintain a membership site that has your website look and feel, or better …
[2] design and create courses to sell from your direct efforts, or put up on a courses platform like UDEMY …
[3] easily use your membership marketing efforts and attract customers to purchase your courses, programs and/or membership …
If any or all of these is your dream, it is the same of so many others. While they may feel far from being realized, Don’t Give Up.
Here’s the answer …
Conscious Entrepreneur Enterprise Program (“CEEP”)
Membership, Programs and Course Creation
Made Easy!
CEEP is the Fast, Easy and Cost-Effective way to set-up and manage online memberships, programs and digital courses on an on-going basis. Creating a membership site without 10 or 17 different pieces is here. When creating courses or programs to sell from your website, from 3rd party courses or affiliate platforms is your goal, this is your answer.
In CEEP, participants are mastermind members who get Personal Satisfaction from Fulfilling their Passion and Purpose without having to spend the time and money and managing 17 moving parts. We mastermind to help you create your best so you can manage the rest with ease. There are some things that we will do for you!
In addition, CEEP Members are encouraged to enjoy the social enterprise involvement of the group mastermind and contribute to the betterment of the lives of others. We encourage members to design ways to contribute a small percentage of your added revenue for the benefit of a favorite charity, or towards a heartfelt favorite cause. Think of doing this, or something else, so you can save telling people you care, and instead show them.
CEEP is Ideal For:
- Easy Integration with CRMs and Email Providers Like: MailChimp, PayPal, LeadPages, GetResponse, Authorize.Net, AWeber, InfusionSoft, OptimizePress
- Easy Member Management in a Single Location
- Add, Edit and Decommission Members with Ease
- Upload Almost Any File Type for Automatic Encoding Across ALL Platforms (i.e., iPhones, Tablets, Androids, Desktops, etc.)
- Upload and Cloud Host your Files and Videos No Added Cost (using the power of Amazon S3)
- Load a Fast and Scalable Site for an Unlimited Number of Members to Join
- Enable Content Downloads by Members to their Devices for Offline Playing
- Create Customized Coupon Offers for 7-Day Free Trials, Monthly Trials, or Giving People Free Accounts
- Tested Sales Page Template with High Conversion for your Membership, Project or Program
- Custom Sales Pages Option
- Enable Social Sharing (allowing selected pages to be shared by members)
- Automatic Creation of Sales Reports (complete with graphs, charts, and more!)
- Customize Your Membership Site with Your Logos, Colors, Backgrounds, Video Pre-loaders, and more
- Boost Engagement with a Member Q&A Tool
- One-Click Upsell Tool
- Private Facebook Group Management
- Automatically Installed Latest and Improved Features without ANY Additional Work (so you can focus on content, marketing and revenue generation)
- Security Is A Top Priority so Content is Protected and Safe (People will not be allowed to access your membership content if they have not paid for it, or otherwise gotten access from you.)
[2] DESIGN, PUBLISH and SELL ONLINE PRODUCTS, PROGRAMS and COURSES WITH EASE (included with your membership site)
- Stop Mucking Around With Kajabi + WordPress + Wishlist + SitemanPro
- Design and Create an Unlimited Number of Courses
- Drip Course Content (Don’t give away ALL your content at once and release content by publishing it at a future time.) Drip Individual Lessons or Entire Courses Over Any Period of Time
- SEO Guide
- Automatic Course Creation Tracking for You and Students
- Note Taking Tool (for course members to take and save notes directly on each content page to refer back to at anytime)
[3] BUILT-IN SHOPPING CART and MERCHANT ACCOUNT (for membership and courses)
- Set Multiple Pricing Selections (monthly, yearly, or one time payment options)
- Payment Management Tool Allows Members to Manage Order Details (update cc info, one-click cancel, and submit refund requests directly from member control panel reducing support tickets by more than 65%)
- Automatic Approval for Free Merchant Account
- Integration with PayPal and many other Merchant Accounts
The CEE Program provides every New Member:
- One Program Membership, Member Number and Automatic Affiliate Status
- Access to Bi-Monthly 90-minute CEEP Business Development Group Calls and/or Trainings
- One Membership Site (minimal work to complete set up and publish – you provide the info and graphics, we set it up!)
- One Courses Platform (creating an unlimited number of courses)
- Program Membership Training – Including (1) Getting Started – The Easy Site Set Up Training (walks you through what’s needed to set up your site and how you or your Admin can easily keep it growing), and (2) Marketing Your Membership Site
- Course Creation Program Training – Including (1) Getting Started Training / Using Google Hangouts On Air to Create Your Course, and (2) Marketing Your Courses With Heart, From the Heart
- Program Training on Audio, Video, and Repurposing Strategies for Membership & Courses
- Bi-Monthly Program MasterMind Strategy and Q&A Calls (2 x per month)
- CEEP includes the Harmonize Heart and Mind Membership – Build Your Business, Increase Your Revenue Life, Health, Business, and Wealth …
Earn More, Do More Good In The World!
The CEEP Membership has all of the following and BONUSES …
Easy and Short Video Courses, including …
-Getting Started Wizard -Membership Capabilities – Unlimited Members -Cloud Hosted Platform Design -Automated FB Integration -Unlimited Number of Courses -Course Creation Tracking -SEO Capabilities |
-One Click Upsell Set Up -Unlimited Sales Page Creation and Templates -Dynamic Q&A Tool -Drip Marketing Strategies -Social Sharing for Sales -Repurposing Existing Content Into Courses -and more Bonuses … |
Make Your Selection NOW to Get Started!
$77 per month |
$207 per qtr |
$770 per year One Time Pmt |
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100% Money Back Guarantee
Cancel in the first 30 days of your membership purchase, and we will refund 100% of your purchase. No questions asked! We appreciate you and want you to be happy. Cancel anytime after your thirty days and you will not be billed any future payments.
The CEEP Related
‘Your HEART Ventures’
Every “Your HEART Ventures” program has a gemstone associated with it. We feel that identifying with a high energy gemstone adds to the value, as well as the energy that encircles all of our efforts. The CEEP Program’s related gemstone is the Blue Lace Agate.
Blue Lace Agate builds inner and outer strength by helping you become more truly who you are. Blue Lace Agate helps you grow more confident, resilient, protected, and better able to recognize and fulfill your mission in life. By strengthening, aligning, and purifying the energy waves that make up your body.
- Feel even stronger physically, emotionally, and mentally
- Improve your sense of inner strength and self-identity
- Recognize your purpose in life
- More powerfully clarify your true feelings, thoughts, and ideas
- Make peace with a choice you have made in the past
- Improve your ability to sense, intuit, and perceive information
- Revel in the feeling you are contributing to life through your expression of your courses and the membership(s) you will build!
Join ‘Your HEART Ventures’ in the
Conscious Entrepreneur Enterprise Program
Membership, Programs and Course Creation
Made Easy!
This Program is the Fast, Easy and Cost-Effective way to set-up and manage online memberships, programs and digital courses on an on-going basis. Need a membership site without 10 different pieces? This is it. Is creating courses to sell from your website or from 3rd party courses platforms your goal? This is your answer.
In CEEP, participants are mastermind members who get Personal Satisfaction from Fulfilling their Passion and Purpose without having to spend the time doing it all and managing 17 moving parts.
All Payment Plans are Renewable Monthly, Quarterly or Annually at the same terms. DON’T DELAY. This Pricing may increase, and we reserve the right to do so without notice.
Make your selection Now to Get Started Fast!
$77 per month |
$207 per quarter |
$770 annual |
Shift Your Story / Add More Value in the
Conscious Enterpreneur Enterprise Program
Sign Up NOW!
Invite Your Friends and Earn Money Back!!
Become an Affiliate / Earn More Money!!
To Your Massive Success and New Heart Ventures!!
Cynthia and Lynn
All Rights Reserved (C) 2017 | Your Heart Ventures
Center for Loving Consciousness | Skyhawk Enterprises | Heartmonics(TM) | P3 ASE
Your HEART Ventures © 2017