We offer products and services that are our own, or those offered by valued partners and affiliates which we deem are or can be beneficial to business owners. Please preview these and use what may be of value to you:
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>>>> NATURAL HYPNOSIS – Have you tried hypnosis yet? If not why not?
Hypnosis is a simple tool that can tap into your subconscious mind to help you to reach your life goals – whether that is positive thinking, weight release, manifestation or achieving success in your professional or personal life.
My featured partners at NATURAL HYPNOSIS are giving away 3 Free Hypnosis Albums so you can experience hypnosis for yourself – it isn’t so mysterious, and you will finish the session feeling energized, refreshed and ready for ANYTHING!
Use this link to Claim your 3 FREE Albums in mp3 format for your downloading and immediate use.
Stay tuned to the BIZ Info Zone for more information on how hypnosis can help transform procrastination into zeal and accomplishment, and overeating into the ideally shaped you!
To Your P3 Success through Hypnosis!
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>>>> JOURNEY TO MASTERY TeleSummit 2013 – Take Your Business to New Heights with the ‘Wisdom of Masters’! Discover NEW Secrets to building business and your greatest life! Interviews with Masters about how you can make your journey easier, and how you can be a part of the Entrepreneurial Mastery Retreat.
Journey To Mastery TeleSummit 2013
Whether you are a new business owner, or you’ve been in business for years, the Wisdom of Masters series will activate powerful energy and elevate your knowledge base so you can create, collaborate, implement, and increase your profits. This savvy interview style of delivery will intrigue and captivate you. Bring your pen and your journal because you won’t want to miss anything!
All calls are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am PT (12pm ET) and all registered attendees will have access to the call as soon as the replays are posted. These 60-75 minute calls are amazing and they won’t cost anything. Can’t make the live call! Don’t worry!
Enroll now and you will have access to the recordings at NO COST to listen at your convenience.
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>>>>ENTREPRENEURIAL MASTERY RETREAT 2014 … Find Business Transformation and Support, General Sessions, Networking, Masterminding, a Vacation and more at the Entrepreneurial Mastery Retreat 2014 Event
“EMR” is a Business Development Conference coupled with a destination experiential Retreat. What better way to get hands-on focus with the experts on your business while you have a blast of fun while exploring a destination countryside and several ports of call. Join us in 2014 for this amazing experiential event and see how your life and your business SOAR!!
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>>> ECS PRODUCTIONS, INC. – Video (DVD) Filming, Audio (CD) Recording, Creative Content Development and Production – Whether you need a training video, or production of an event, ECS Production, Inc. can make it happen.
ECS Productions, Inc. is a Union City, CA based full-service entertainment and media production company providing filming (long and short form content) for commercials, training, and business development. ECSP performs editing, final product audio and video duplication in digital, CD and DVD format, and is the producer of various made-for-television programs, including: Award Winning “EC’s Jook Joint”, and more. Other project include: The Taste of Union City – Food, Blues and World Music Festival happening on Saturday, September 14, 2013.
Check out the company and the projects at:
ECS Productions, Inc. – Take a look at the company and the services it provides.
EC’s Jook Joint – View a show and if you’re an artist, find out how you can get on a show.
Taste of Union City – Food, Blues and World Music Festival, Sat. 9/14/13
Parade begins at 8am | Gates Open 9am to 7pm
Family World – Full of Family Friendly Entertainment | CA Living Area | Cooking Contests | Fun | Exhibitors | Food Vendors | Rodeo Drive Merchant Circle | Blues Ribbon VIP Circle | 3 Music Stages … and more!
*Want to be a VENDOR and sell your food, goods and/or services in front of 5,000+ indivduals?
*Want to be a SPONSOR and get your name in front of more than 10,000 people?
** Free eBook Courtesy of ECS Productions, Inc. **

“101 Great Ideas for Increasing Visibility, Credibility & Profitability” by Matt Schoenherr, Biz Activist
Email us to get your FREE Copy of this Great eBook
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>>>> FUNDING – Need Funding for Your Start-up or Existing Business? Find out how you can get what you need … Enter the $100Million Funding Challenge and LEARN …
- Why this is a good time to think about funding for your business and how putting it off could hurt you.
- How to access THOUSANDS in business credit funding without personal guarantees or credit checks.
- How to FUND YOUR LAUNCHES of products and service regardless of your industry.
- Strategies to LEVERAGE YOUR NETWORK for potentially thousands of dollars in resources.
- Become a MONEY MAGNET by following a few simple strategies.
- Creating a FUNDING PLAN for your business that will guarantee you’ll have money available when you need it.
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>>>> TRAVEL – Need to travel for business or personal? Find out how you can travel and get travel rewards equal to 10% of your purchase as commission, applicable to your personal or business travel.
Log In at: http://www.thesaddiktravel.com
Username: vlynnhawkins@gmail.com Password: travel
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>>>> CRUISE TRAVEL – Whether you love to cruise or want to take your first cruise, Madlen Saddik is the Cruise Professional you want to work with! Find out how you can travel and get travel rewards by contacting Madlen and let her know that we sent you!
CONTACT: Madlen Saddik (650) 479-6477 http://www.thesaddiktravel.com
Links to other Products and Services will be added to our website in the near future. Check back periodically to see what’s new!
Here’s to you living a P3 Life with Power!