What’s Your Strategy to Build Your Strategy

Does that sound weird?

If it does, think about it a little more. As CEO of your business, there are so many things you must pay attention to. From your marketing and sales to your financial accountability and your operations.

When you’re running a successful business, and the most successful of business owners say they spend time developing a strategy for each part of their business and they have a strategy to build their strategies.

If you don’t have a strategy for your Social Media Marketing, let me give you a hand.  I found a great article by Neal Schaffer, Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Maximize Your Social Business where he lists the 11 Essential Ingredients of a Comprehensive Social Media Strategy.

Check it out here …

Maximize Social Business –11 Ingredients for a Comprehensive Social Media Strategy Plan Infographic and Blog

Social Media Stragtegy Info Graphic

Maximize Your Social – A Social Media Strategy Book

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